What is Syntribation? Hands-Free Masturbation Using Your Thighs

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Featured imageAs the range of sex toys grows online and in stores, you can feel overwhelmed by options, limited by budget, or just plain uncomfortable with using them.

But fear not, there’s an intimate technique that might just be the ultimate tool you already have – your thighs.

This method is called syntribation and is a hands-free, discreet way to pleasure that many have found, especially those looking for comfort or simplicity in their private moments.

What is Syntribation?

Syntribation is a hands-free masturbation technique that requires nothing more than crossing and squeezing your thighs.

Rachel Sommers, PhD, sexologist explains that this method stimulates the clitoris and vulva through simple movements such as rocking or grinding, using the internal structure of the clitoris that extends down along the sides of the vulva.

Our reader Emma discovered syntribation on a family vacation where privacy was scarce.

“It was a game changer,” Emma says.

“I was able to pleasure myself discreetly which felt powerful and intimate.”

This became her secret garden of solace, where she could connect with herself in a way she never had before.

The Benefits of Syntribation

Discretion: Syntribation is like a whispered secret in a crowded room. It’s a discreet companion that brings pleasure without drawing attention, perfect for places where privacy is a luxury. This subtlety means you can explore yourself without fear of being overheard or judged, ideal for those with roommates, family members, or shared living situations.

Accessibility: This method is a beacon of inclusivity. It requires no tools or physical ability, it’s accessible to everyone, including those with limited mobility or strength. It breaks down barriers to sexual pleasure, a simple and effective way for anyone to have intimacy at their fingertips.

Budget-Friendly: In a world where the cost of pleasure can add up, syntribation is frugal. By eliminating the need for expensive devices or accessories it saves you money and reduces the environmental impact of manufacturing and disposing of electronic gadgets.

Adaptability: Like a chameleon, syntribation adapts to you and your situation. It can be used with solo sex, with a partner, as foreplay, during sex, as a layer of intimacy during intercourse, or as a standalone act of pleasure. It’s a Swiss Army knife in your pleasure toolbox!

Health and Wellness: Syntribation can contribute to better mental and physical health. The act itself is a form of light exercise that can improve blood flow and release endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals. Psychologically it promotes a positive relationship with your body and sexuality, self-confidence and reduces stress.

Safety: With syntribation the risks associated with some sexual activities are minimized. There’s no risk of transmission of sexually transmitted infections or physical injury from mechanical devices. It’s a safe haven in the sea of sexual exploration, perfect for those new to self-discovery or those who are cautious about health and safety.

Learning Tool: For those new to sexual activity syntribation is a gentle introduction. It allows you to learn about your body and what you like without the pressure or anxiety that can come with more complex techniques or a partner. This self-knowledge is key, it’s the foundation upon which you can build more satisfying sexual relationships.

How to Do It

Syntribation is like learning to play a new instrument; it may seem simple but there’s an art to getting it just right. Here’s how to do it

1. Get Comfortable: The first step is all about comfort.

Find a comfy spot where you can relax and feel safe.

This could be your bed, a chair or anywhere you can sit or lie down and cross your legs without restriction.

2. Basic Technique: Start by crossing your legs.

This is your starting position.

From here experiment with squeezing your legs together.

The pressure should be firm but comfortable and you can adjust the pressure as you get used to the sensation.

2. Add Movement: Once you’re comfortable with the basic pressure start adding movement.

Rocking your hips or grinding slightly can make a big difference.

Think of it as fine-tuning a musical instrument – the right rhythm makes all the difference.

3. Prop Use: Using props like pillows or folded blankets can enhance your experience.

Placing a pillow between your thighs increases the pressure and provides a different texture that may stimulate you further.

4. Try with Clothes: Trying this hands-free masturbation technique with clothes on can add friction which some find enhances the pleasure.

Different fabrics can provide different sensations so feel free to experiment with what works for you.

5. Water Play: Trying this in the bath or shower can add an extra layer of sensation.

The water reduces the friction which may be more comfortable for some and adds a relaxing element to the practice making it even more enjoyable.

6. Incorporate into Partner Play: If you’re comfortable, bring this into your partner play.

It can be a great addition to foreplay or even during sex to keep the stimulation going.

It’s a versatile tool to enhance your and your partner’s experience.

7. Advanced Techniques: As you get more comfortable with syntribation try combining it with other forms of stimulation like touching other erogenous zones or if you’re with a partner, synchronizing your movements with theirs.

This can turn a simple technique into a full-body experience.

8. Reflect and Adjust: Like any personal exploration, the key to syntribation is reflection and adjustment.

Pay attention to how your body responds to different pressures, movements, and settings.

Use this feedback to fine-tune your technique and your pleasure.

For my friend Sarah college life brought the challenge of finding private moments in a shared dorm.

Syntribation became her silent sanctuary.

“It was the perfect solution – quiet, satisfying, and completely discreet,” she says.

Her story shows how syntribation was the bridge to self-exploration and sexual confidence while navigating communal living.

Dr Rachel Sommers highlights the psychological benefits, “Syntribation isn’t just about physical pleasure” she says “it’s about being intimate with yourself and exploring your desires in a safe personal space.”

Is this hand-free masturbation something you would like to try? Drop a comment below or message me on Reddit.


Rachel Sommer, Ph.D.
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