Can STIs Be Transmitted with Sex Toys? Tips for Safety & Hygiene

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Various sex toysShort answer: yes. If not cleaned and sanitized properly, sex toys can harbor and spread infections. In this article, our sexologist, Rachel Sommer, Ph.D., explains how STIs are transmitted through sex toys and gives you tips on how to use them safely.

Key Takeaways
  • STIs can be transmitted through sex toys if not cleaned and sanitized, as bodily fluids left on the toys can carry bacteria and viruses.
  • The material of the sex toy matters: porous materials absorb fluids and can harbor infections, while non-porous materials like silicone, glass, and metal are easier to clean and disinfect.
  • Cleaning regularly, using condoms or barriers, not sharing and regular STI testing are the ways to prevent STIs from being transmitted through sex toys.

How STIs are Transmitted Through Sex Toys

Bodily Fluids and STI Transmission

The main way STIs are spread through sex toys is through contact with infected bodily fluids. This happens when toys come into contact with fluids like semen, vaginal secretions, or blood that contain the infection. If those toys are used by someone else without cleaning properly the pathogens can be transferred and you can get infected [1].

Porous vs Non-Porous

The material of the sex toy plays a big role in its ability to harbor and spread infections. Porous materials like rubbers and plastics have tiny holes that can trap pathogens. These materials are harder to clean thoroughly so they are more likely to retain the infection. Non-porous materials like silicone, glass, or stainless steel don’t have these microscopic holes and can be sanitized better, reducing the risk of transmission.

Shared Use and Direct Contact Risks

Sharing sex toys without cleaning or protection increases the risk of STI transmission, as direct contact with a contaminated toy can inject the pathogens into the body’s mucous membranes [2]. Using the same toy for different parts of the body without cleaning or changing the protection (like a condom) in between uses can also spread infection from one part of the body to another, like from the anus to the vagina.

STIs That Can be Transmitted Through Sex Toys

Sex toys can spread several types of sexually transmitted infections if not used or cleaned properly. Here’s a list of some common STIs that can be spread this way, along with how they can interact with sex toy use [3].

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

HPV is one of the most common STIs and can be spread through skin-to-skin contact, including shared sex toys that are not cleaned. It can cause genital warts and in some cases cervical and other cancers. Using barriers like condoms on sex toys can reduce the risk of HPV transmission.

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

Both HSV-1 and HSV-2 can be spread through contact with infected areas even if no sores are visible. Since the virus can reside on areas of the skin not covered by a condom, herpes can be spread through sex toys that come into contact with those areas. Cleaning thoroughly between uses is key to preventing transmission.


Chlamydia is a bacterial infection that can be spread through sexual fluids, and sharing intimate products that come into contact with genital secretions without cleaning properly can spread chlamydia. Symptoms are often mild or non-existent so regular testing and proper hygiene with toys is key to prevention.


Like chlamydia, gonorrhea is a bacterial infection spread through sexual fluids. It can affect the throat, genitals, and rectum so it can be highly transmitted through sex toys that are not properly sanitized and come into contact with those areas. Cleaning and sanitizing toys regularly can prevent transmission.


Syphilis is spread through direct contact with a syphilis sore during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Sex toys that come into contact with those sores can also be a conduit for transmission. Using barriers and strict cleaning routines are key to reducing the risk.


HIV is spread through the exchange of bodily fluids like blood, semen, vaginal fluids and breast milk. While less common through sex toys, the risk is there if toys are shared between partners without cleaning or using barriers. Using each toy individually or cleaning thoroughly can prevent HIV transmission.

Types of Sex Toys and Their Risks

With so many types of sex toys out there, comes a variety of risks and considerations for safe use. Knowing these can help you make informed decisions for your health and pleasure.

Vibrators and Dildos

Vibrators and dildos are the most common sex toys and the risks are mainly from the materials and cleaning. Porous materials can harbor bacteria and viruses if not cleaned properly. Non-porous materials like silicone, glass, or metal are safer since they can be sanitized thoroughly.

Anal Toys and Anal Beads

Anal toys including beads have specific risks due to the sensitivity and delicacy of the tissues in the anal area. Microscopic tears in this tissue can occur easily and if the toys are shared without cleaning properly or used without enough lubrication, can facilitate the transmission of infections.

Oral Sex Toys

Oral sex toys need to be handled with care since they can be a conduit for pathogens like herpes simplex virus and human papillomavirus when shared. Using these toys individually or cleaning them between uses is key to preventing STIs that affect the oral mucosa.

Safe Sex Toy Use Practices

Knowing and following safe sex toy practices is key for preventing STIs and a healthy sexual experience.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Cleaning and maintaining sex toys regularly is important for preventing bacteria and virus buildup. Each toy should be cleaned according to the manufacturer’s instructions, usually with mild soap and warm water or a sex toy cleaner. For porous toys, more thorough cleaning is required to remove all pathogens [4].

Using Barriers and Condoms

Using barriers like condoms on sex toys is a good way to prevent STIs especially when toys are shared between partners. Condoms should be replaced every time the toy is used by a different person or when moving from anal to vaginal use to avoid cross-contamination.

Not Sharing

While sharing sex toys can be part of a healthy sex life, not sharing or making sure toys are thoroughly cleaned and covered with a new barrier before another person uses them is the safest practice. This will reduce the risk of STI transmission and personal hygiene.

Why Regular STD Testing

Regular STD testing is important for early detection and treatment of infections which in turn keeps you sexually healthy and prevents the spread of STDs. Since some STDs are asymptomatic, regular testing is the only way to confirm an infection. Those who take the initiative to get tested regularly show commitment to their sexual health and protection.

Through these tests, you will get timely medical interventions that reduce the risk of STD transmission to your partners.

When to Get Tested

You should get tested if you use a shared sex toy with someone whose STI status is unknown or after a new sexual experience. Regular STD testing is part of your sexual health and this includes when sex toys are used. Get tested after every new sexual experience or every few months even if no sex toys are used.

When you visit a testing facility make sure to ask for tests for all the sexually transmitted infections that you are concerned about – this includes oral and anal STIs. Be specific and clear about the tests you want to get.

Where to Get Tested

For convenience and privacy, home STD testing kits allow you to test discreetly from the comfort of your own home. Local clinics and healthcare providers usually have a wide range of STD testing services. Some schools and outreach events organized by healthcare providers also offer testing.

Local healthcare providers and clinics usually have a wide range of testing options. These places allow individuals to have professional medical advice along with the tests. There’s an alternative that caters to personal comfort and confidentiality: at-home STD Testing Kits. These kits give people who prefer privacy or don’t want to go to clinics the tools they need to manage their sexual health in the comfort of their own space.


It’s important to know how STIs can be transmitted through sex toys and practice safer sex to keep you sexually healthy. The risk of transmitting bacteria and viruses through bodily fluids, the difference between non-porous and porous materials, and the danger of sharing sex toys without proper cleaning have been discussed. We’ve looked into the different STIs that can be transmitted through sex toys like HPV, HSV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis HIV, and syphilis.

Follow best practices for hygiene – clean your toys with condoms and don’t share your sex toys and the risk of getting or spreading an STI will be greatly reduced. Regular STD testing is also important to identify and treat infections so you can have a healthy and fun intimate life. Open communication and informed counsel emphasize protection and trust in all interactions. Seek knowledge, take care of yourself, and be safe and stable in all you do.

Happy vibing!


Rachel Sommer, Ph.D.
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